Tuesday, June 14, 2011

V is (not) for vendetta

most friends know that i do my own processing and never get angry that is beyond my threshold.  i am usually calm and non-confrontational and do things, almost always, the right (legal) way.

i attended another hearing for my A case this morning, which hopefully would be the last one that i'd be required to show up to.  i have been attending hearings for the past 2 months, and i am thankful that i seemed to breeze through it. i am, as usual, my composed detached self.  i've come to terms with everything that passed, and i would rather move on than linger or wallow.

i have been consistently firm telling loved ones and friends that "being happy is the sweetest revenge" but seeing my mom, crying in the witness stand, while responding to the fiscal's and the judge's interrogation made me feel that SOMETIMES simply doing things the legal way may NOT be, at all, simply acceptable.

i wish i can turn back time so i could have afforded to be hysterical, throw expletives, be violent --- for mom.

maybe, just maybe, she would not have cried that much in the witness stand.

but on second thought, i am thankful that i let go without much funfare and drama --- and my silence would forever haunt.

and for whatever all these things past caused mom so much pain and anger, then that's another story altogether.  mom might as well be given the chance to process everything so she can (finally) move on as well.

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