Monday, February 24, 2014

Still Awake at 3AM

Well, this is the life at work, at home.  While I am quite blessed that I can work from home because there's wifi and I can mobilize my team from wherever I am, others are not as blessed (in terms of technology and authority to delegate -- they are in the receiving end.)  I do not bark my instructions.  In fact, I can work readily and willingly so if my staff is not available for grave personal reasons.  Sometimes, I do wonder if I'm too much.  But probably in my defense, or not, I am also in the receiving end.  I do, however, try my best to diskarte on how to maximize the resources I have on hand.  I suppose, my staff can diskarte too, insofar as they are still within the instructions and the deadline.  In fact, I encourage them to do just that -- decide on how to best translate instructions to meaningful, relevant outputs.

(I'm rambling, I know.)

As a Boss, I am very conscious if I'm too much --- whether I'm too tolerant, too close and friendly or at the extreme end, too bossy and annoying.  When you're boss, it's never easy to delegate because one has to be mindful of the work at hand, the deadline, the current workload and capacity of the staff.  When things go crazy, instructions are being downloaded at close intervals (and changing!), it's not easy to be the boss because one has to be able to think quick, decide and mobilize.  There are those staff who are easy to deal with, there are those who could be a pain.  As a boss, one has to have an overflow of forbearance, patience and empathy.  It is also quite difficult to be firm and tender, a risk-taker yet certain, and all sorts of combo traits that are actually opposites in the spectrum of values.  In the end, it is a mix of all these, based on gut feel and common sense, that make a Boss effective.  But the bottom line of being Boss (and the success it could bring) is something to do with relationship that is built on Respect and Trust.  With these, everything and just about everyone are easy to manage. 

I think I'm also lucky to be once a staff myself.  There is credibility (I, almost always, can do what I instruct), and I empathize usually, especially when the deadlines are too tight or the load is too heavy;  thus, it's easier for me to mobilize the team.  Also, I put premium on treating each other like family --- walang iwanan, walang inggitan, may tiwala at respeto, bukas at tapat.  I cannot say, with authority, however, if such is a working formula or I simply lucked out.  Regardless, it works for me.  And I am grateful and thankful to God for that on a daily basis.

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