Wednesday, March 2, 2011

long lost Eskalera sister

if you are familiar with Iskul Bukol, you know that the misfits there were the Eskalera brothers. (sorry if their surname is misspelled.)  they always got into trouble and were never the diligent ones.  i think, i could pass off to be their sister.  i have been petiks lately when i know that i have deadlines (for my papers).  except for working on our visa for the Project Visit we're doing in Dhaka, i have nothing relevant accomplished.  i have been putting off a lot of my TO DOs in the backburner.  i do hope i'd get the groove to start them asap.

for the meantime, i think i'm quite an achiever at the domestic front.  i am more patient with the boys (no matter how crazy and rough they could be, tiring me to no end).  Bo and Lee turned 11 months last 27th while Tom turned 3 months last 22nd.  though Tom is XX-Large so we expect him to be more higante than his kuyas.

here are photos i took of them yesterday before i left for work (and after giving them breakfast).

the camera-elusive Bo (i had to "capture" those moments literally)
our pretty boy, Lee (he's about to doze off here)
Tom, who still looks like a Joey because his ears haven't stood yet (but mr P always defends Tom that he is going to be the most ma-appeal since he is wolf-grey and an XXL)
if only i could run as fast as our boys do, i would have probably lost so much weight, which would give me bragging rights and yes, made me less of an Eskalera sister.

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