Saturday, May 14, 2011

if there is a state of being that is way below "under the weather", that would be me now. there seems to be a chaotic, whirring thud-thud-thud inside my chest.  not explosive, thankfully but unstill.  disturbing, disconcerting.  uncertain.

i do not like this.  i never liked feeling this way.  it bears and digs deeper a hole (so bottomless) in my stomach that even breathing seemed laborious.  if only tears could wash this away, i would readily cry myself to sleep every single day.

"Lord, unburden me.  i beg You."


Anonymous said...

I pray you be unburdened soon Pie.

BabyPink said...

I hope you're okay na, Tita Pie. Please do take care! Loveyah! :)

Julia said...

I hope everything is okay, sis. I'm just a few key strokes away if you need someone to chat with =)